Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kerja Oh kerja....

salam to you all...

This week i really tired of works.. Seems that i dont have enough time to finish all tasks given to me. Anyhow, i must go to work tommorow, settle sumthing, else my boss will get mad of me. last Thursday, have conference call dgn customer. Since this economic situation..macam2 lah depa demand.. Tak puas hati dgn apa yang saya dah buat..I really worked hard on that.. Ermm.. customer is always right.. Mata & kepala betul2 sakit..mungkin stress & guna byk microskop kot.. Entah2 ..kena check mata nih..huuuu..

Rasa cam nak amik cuti jek..tapi bila pikir2 balik, economi tak stabil nih..kena dak.. kang silap hari bulan kena potong gaji lak..heheheeh

so, korang semua..mari kita ingat mengingati ..agar jgn boros belanja.. dalam musimkegawatan ini. Lagipon membazir itu kan amalan syaitan...

p/s: ada surah baru nak saya update ..
tgk lah sat gi..kalau rajin..

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